Blank canvas
This is Conor's bedroom, cleaned, stripped of wallpaper and with most of the holes in the wall filled. Had I not been racing out to get to school in time for pick up, I could have proudly presented the 'after' shot with all the walls a pristine white. And some of the ceiling, but a technical hitch prevented completion of that.
Very hard day's work, which started with a trip tp Puylaurens (20 mins away) to collect a parcel, then a bizarre interlude helping Mr B sort out some very odd behaviour at the passport office. After painting, and trying to wash my hands in a jamjar-full of water I had in the car, there was school pick up, and a rush home for a shower and snacks before heading back into school for Katherine's teacher to tell us all what's what this year. (No toys, birthday cakes allowed and, most shockingly, homework doesn't really have to be done. Not sure it was a good idea to announce that with the kids in the room, but I'm not sure my two really understood so that's ok.)
Tired. Too tired to blip, hence this backblip. I'm not sure I'm cut out for hard work.
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