Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Outta My Way....I'm Coming Through!

This blip photo is of my Liam protecting his space and the soccer I loved this pic!
Today was extremely hectic. 3 soccer games, 3 sets of soccer pictures at a different location DIRECTLY after games, and helping organize/pass out the fundraiser to the parents. Several of which took off before I could pass them out. I had to remind them that I'm strictly the 'messenger' and don't like this part any more than they do. I felt like I needed a clone today. Both Loren's and Liam's teams won today, though! I'm unsure about Landon's team, Gary went to that game since it was conflicting with Loren's game :(

Got home in the late afternoon and spent the time setting up a website for our teams where we could share pictures from games, see the schedule, sign up for snacks, etc. Yes, that was my idea of fun, as pathetic as it is. :D Just as I was done with the websites, I get a phone call from our youth soccer organization only to find out all of the meat sticks that I had just distributed to the parents for the fundraiser had all been recalled! Placed a call to all of the parents at around 9 pm! Felt a little strange when I couldn't communicate with a couple of them due to our language barrier. I'm wondering what they were thinking when I called. One said 'oh, practice cancelled?' No, it wasn't...but that's what he understood so I hope he shows up to the next practice! Luckily once that issue was done it was time to spend some time with our friend, Mr. TV and his companion, Netflix. It was much needed after today.

This next week I will be dealing with the returned items, refunds for pre-paying parents and exchanging them for the replacement fundraising books. Oh joy!

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