jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Today's haul. Brought home by Steve, as he had the car today. Enough to make... sadly. carrot and coriander again! I do like carrot and coriander. But this time I have lentils to thicken it. I will try my hand at beetroot at some point, honestly :)

Ben went to nursery this morning. He didn't want to get up, had a bad night again with his cough, eventually he was sick from all the coughing :( But after that, he did fall asleep again and slept well until Steve roused us with 15 minutes to get Ben dressed and out of the house - aargh! Managed though. And I even got a kiss and a wave goodbye. Ben wandered off holding daddy's hand, backpack on his back, down the road to the car.

And I had breakfast and a hot bath, in peace and quiet.

And then I tried to sort out a budget. But kept getting distracted by things.... so I have half a budget, I have a list of things I need to get amounts for, at least that's halfway there. I can now collect prices and amounts and eventually have a decent amount of information from which to sort out our budget, including a decent amount of meal planning as well.

Life can be so dull sometimes......

And then, and then. And then I think I checked facebook, and saw that an old friend is pregnant (didn't realise she was pregnant, and she is now counting down days!!). So all of a sudden the baby fever attacked. Big. HUGE. I almost considered taking the bike to pick Ben up, as my knees hurt from so much cycling recently, because I thought maybe the pain from the cycling might take my mind off the baby fever.... Eventually I saw sense and walked :) A good walk, fresh air, and then when I got to nursery Ben was playing his xylophone, happy as anything, singing and dancing a bit, didn't want to go home! It's nice when I get there and he's happy. Makes a change from getting there and he's having cuddles because he misses me.

Can't write any more. Boy has gone bonkers. Evidently missed his "sweet spot" for putting him to bed.....

Edited... I thought it looked better in mono :)

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