jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Not happy

Been practising using aperture priority today. Took the camera to our Tots group, and asked permission to take shots of the kids there (including Ben - I wasn't just a random person taking photos of other peoples' kids!). The photos are on a private group on facebook, for the tots mums to see only.

I've chosen this one of Ben for my blip after a lot of umming and ahhing, I was really not happy with the photos from today. Aperture priority is great because at least most of the shots were exposed ok, but it's not great because I forget to check what shutter speed has been selected and I'm not that steady a hand. So most of the pictures, while being nicely framed and exposed, are also suffering from a fair bit of camera shake and have just turned out a bit blurry. Frustrating. Then there's the focussing issue that the camera has anyway, which meant that other shots had focussed behind the intended subject. (I really need to take the camera in to the shop to be looked at... It's both cameras have the same problem as well, which is irritating. Both the same model.)

We went out to the park this afternoon to burn off a bit of energy (it was that or being subjected to an hour and a half of Driver Dan and Charlie and Lola and Chuggington and Bob the Builder), and although I didn't take the DSLR I took my phone with the intent of taking some pics of Ben for possible use as a blip today... was that unhappy with this morning's shots.

On the food side of things, I managed to make a pretty yummy chilli today from half the stuff on the blip yesterday! Ben also elected to add a tin of sweetcorn as well as the two tins of kidney beans and the tin of chickpeas that I had bought for it. A huge amount of worcestershire sauce and tomato puree and a tin of tomatoes and a sprinkling of chilli powder and a sprinkling of gravy granules (and a bit of minced beef) and almost 3 hours simmering made the house smell GORGEOUS when we got in from the park!

We now have two and a half internal doors in the house. Our bedroom has a door (it has had one for a couple of weeks now) and the bathroom has a door (thankfully), and tonight Steve started fixing Ben's bedroom door up. Last night we got some more kitchen sorted out, need to bodge a bit of the floor up before we can get a new fridgefreezer though. My plan is to make a huge amount of one dish every week, enough to have the freezer stocked to have it once a week for a month. Then each week I can add to the store, and in a month's time we might be able to eat from batch cooking for most nights of the week and I am released from cooking dinner every night and can get on with housework, sort out play with Ben, feel sick from pregnancy (ha... if I get pregnant quickly anyway!), that kind of thing. We will see. Need a bigger freezer to start with...

Tired now. Ben had a coughing fit from 2am to 6am last night... Hope he sleeps better tonight. Really really need sleep!!

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