Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Josie's Basketball Team

After getting everyone off to school, I did some time on the treadmill. After getting cleaned up for the day, Jack and I had to run around and pick up some things for Josie's Basketball End-of-Season party tonight. Since no one else was stepping forward, I volunteered to be "Team Mom" for this season and help organize things for her coach. Other than scheduling snacks/drinks for practices and games I didn't have to do too much until we decided to have an end-of-season pizza party before our last game tonight.

Jack and I found some delicious jumbo grapes and watermelon to go along with the pizza and drinks. We stopped by the library on our outings and returned some books and checked out a few more. When we got home, the gray car was overheating and making some ugly spitting noises. Not good. . . .
Made some brownies for tonight's dessert in avoidance of the car issue.

Got Gracie delivered to swim practice and Amy brought Emily home from water polo practice. Josie, the boys and I then headed off to pick up the pizzas and set up for the party. All went well other than having a bit too much pizza. I guess I thought the kids would eat a bit more--we've got lotsopizza in our fridge for lunch and dinner and breakfast and lunch and. . . . .well, you get the picture.

After picking up Gracie from Shelby's, the boys and I headed back to Josie's game. What an exciting one this one was!! They won!! I believe it was 23-18.

We returned home to put everyone in bed; tomorrow's a new day (and a new month!) Where does the time go??? Must deal with the car issue tomorrow. Ugh.

This blip is of Josie's team we took in the park just before her game.

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