
By Instography


Swans have good PR. While everybody knows at some level that they are vicious bastards, they still manage to get that sappy awwwwww response every time they show their big gangly necks. I almost lost a thumb to one of the buggers today although, I confess, it was largely my own fault for sitting closer than I knew was wise, with a handful of bread chunks for the kids to throw to them, while I took photos.

These ones are pretty tame since there's a constant stream of visitors to Castle Semple loch bringing bread. They're so tame that the instructors on Mandy's course spent lunchtime telling stories of thieves leading the swans into a van with a trail of bread and local chavs leading them on a walk up Lochwinnoch High Street.

The cygnets are no better. Just smaller. Look at that beady, evil little eye. He was checking out Ellen's stash of bread at the time.

Oh, and I filled in the gap for yesterday.

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