
By Instography

Once Ellen had woken from her nap on Friday it was almost time to leg it to Glasgow (well Renfrewshire) to take up residence is one of those glorified garden sheds that are variously described as wigwams or, in this case, shielings. Of course, these are nothing like shielings, although they're a good deal closer than they are to wigwams. Anyway, this was home for the weekend as Mandy did her basic canoe training at Castle Semple while I minded the kids.

We took both canoes so I got the kids on the water for a wee while but Ewan's boredom threshold is about 5 minutes, so we only lasted about half an hour by which time his stomach was gurgling and the wee shop full of rubbish toys was calling him from across the loch.

After their snack the rain was a bit much for wandering so we just drove to my parents' and let them have a wee visit. Ellen and Mary are drawing - Ellen on her fingers, Mary on paper. Ewan's tucked round the back reading a book.

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