Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Teeny Weeny Sunflower

I did plant a load of sunflowers in the garden, directly into the soil. Sadly none popped up :( I also did some seeds of dwarf sunflowers and then neglected them. This brave survivor has made it through :D

As an aside - me and him indoors have just spent the last half hour going through todays shots! We have been in the garden, up the hill and back home. There were a lot of pics. Some very strange man and dog ones and some for the blip bank....another day :D

The farmer was out last night and he sprayed high maintenance and unneccessary

The rest of today can be found here... if you cant see it and want to let me kmow. 103 sodding photos in a day :D Note to self....

facebook photos

Oh and have I mentioned geocaching...we found one tonight :D

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