Sweet Peas in the Wind

First things first - many thanks for all your lovely, kind and thoughful comments. A big mwaah to all of you :) I have tried to comment back but am nowhere near to the end of it.... :) You lovely lot!

A lazy day chez Lif. The doggers now both have Kennel cough despite having their annual jabs in December. So hacking dogs were placed in the shower room for 10 mins, given honey and then some cough syrup. Poppy is still poorly but Oscar is on the mend. As a result we did not venture too far. Chores and cooking were the order of the day.

I made some tomato soup which Mr Lif declared to be qite delish. That will do his lunches this week.

Hopped out to the garden (not literally of course) and set the old camera on shutter priority and let nature take its course for today's blip. I think its quite pretty

Time to settle in front of the TV with the dragons and veg,, lets hope the wind drops and next week is a tad brighter for us

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