Mummy's favourite dungarees

25days old

These dungarees we bought before Katie was born. I thought they were fab. They came with a dinosaur vest, but that just looked tooo boyish. With a pink and turqoise stripy one though, I loved them. She still looks very cute in dungarees even now.

I took her to church again today and for the first time she went into the creche, without me! It was the longest I'd been apart from her, all be it only half an hour or so. I spent the service fidgeting and clock watching, but she did really well.

In the afternoon there was a light parade in the town centre, I took her brother to meet her grandparents and aunty as well, her dad was poorly. The light parade was fantastic and even Katie stayed awake. The three of us got to see it a second time as when we'd got near home, it was passing by the end of the street. Just as three fire engines pulled out the fire station too!

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