Pretty in pink

26days old

Today was incredibly wet. It rained and rained and rained!! But I had lots of 'Katie' jobs to do after school-run. I took her and registered her with the doctor. We went and bought cards and chocolates and took a big tin up to the ante-natal and labour wards at the hospital - I was quite embarassed that it had taken me three weeks to do this, but I'd had to wait for the birth cards to arrive, to have time to go all the way to the hospital etc etc... come to think of it, three weeks was pretty good really.

As we'd passed that way, I took Katie to meet the bosses at the computer shop where I used to work (they used to trust me to build computers, go figure!) They were of course very excited to see Katie and three days later a lovely card and gift voucher arrived in the post for her.

We got home and found there were some parcels collected so ventured out to the post office - it was a huge bundle of beautiful girls clothes from a good friend. I love this photo as now I know this suit as one that is very special to Lyra/her mummy. Yet at this point, Lyra hasn't even been born! I couldn't resist putting it straight on Katie and going out for a little walk once the rain had finally stopped!

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