Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie


Last December, I read about this new gadget--kinda like a pedometer but so much more. I decided I had to have it. In January I got on their website and ordered it but found that it was back ordered and I couldn't get it for awhile. Well, In June my Fitbit arrived!! I just love it. It not only keeps track of the number of steps I take in a day along with how many miles I go, it also keeps track of the calories burned. It synchs to my computer every 15 minutes. It has a food tracker, activity recorder, weight tracking, on-line community, awesome customer service, and also keeps track of my sleep efficiency and tells me not only how many times I awoke the previous night but also what time I woke up and how long I was awake. Pretty cool! As a pedometer it is remarkably accurate and really inspires me to be more aware of how many steps I take each day and gets me moving. It has cool record keeping abilities of previous weeks/months too. I could go on and on about my Fitbit. Maybe I should do a commercial for them. I absolutely love my Fitbit!

This blip shows my (so far) all time high of 25,055 steps for today. I try to run 4-7 miles daily and it's amazing how many more steps are taken just doing my daily routine of household tasks and playing with Jack.

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