Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Florida Natives

Yes, you are on the right site. And no, it is not Riverside and certainly not a train! :-)

The car was due for a service. Not having use of the car Monday to Friday, I somehow overlooked the 15,000-mile service, discovering this fact with 17,600 miles on the clock. I decided that as soon as I had passed 18,000 miles, I would book it in early for the 18,750-mile service and hope that would atone for my negligence.

The dealership is about 30 minutes away and only a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean. So that is why its address is Atlantic Boulevard. :-)

I dropped my wife off at her place of work, came home to get the required amount of caffeine and nicotine to take on the world and duly set off for the dealership at 10:00 am.

Having dealt with the paperwork and told the service advisor about one or two things that needed looking at, I was given a loan car and headed to Neptune Beach.

I wandered around on the beach for 20 minutes or so and could easily have posted one of several beach shots. Walking back to the car and thinking about heading for home, I turned the corner into Atlantic Boulevard, yes it runs right up to the ocean, and was greeted with the sight of these two young ladies.

It is not every day that I get to see someone dressed in a skimpy bikini walking down the street -- I know, I know, I need to get out more :-) -- so it seemed an obvious choice for today's blip.

Interestingly enough, my arbiter of good taste, CEO and CFO of the household, namely my dear wife, chose this shot as her pick of the bunch. Well, to be honest it was among her three favourites. Did you really want to see a row of surfboards instead?

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