A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Build yourself a tomb!

Tonight I have been singing at a service of induction at the church in the next village.

This is the church of my childhood and the place where I was married, my children were baptised and, sadly, where the funerals of my parents and my sister were held.

These aren't my only connections here though. The tomb with an urn on top seen in the picture on the left, just through the lych gate, is of my great great grandmother and great great grand father, Anne and Willie Bancroft who died in 1900. Their son, my great grandfather, also Willie Bancroft, is commemorated here too dying in 1910 at the age of 47. He was a monumental stone mason, as was my grandfather, and on the plinth at the bottom it is inscribed 'W Bancroft - Cullingworth' because he actually made this for his parents and ultimately for himself!!

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