This day

By snapper

Birling in Stirling

Into the second week of my stay at home holiday. So far I have only got half way into clearing out my shed! weather turned nasty and thats my excuse. The Glasgow pad now has all the gas sorted and two new fires but also has furniture lying all over the place.
Today I got bored and decided to take hubby and I off for a run to Stirling. We did the castle and the Wallace monument with all of its 200+ steps. God I thought I was going to have a heart attack by the time I got to the top and as for looking through these wee slatty windows on the way up...not a good idea as I am not comfortable with heights.
After that we went to visit some cronies living near the town and had dinner there. Was then going to press on back to Argyll when for some reason I decided to veer by the Glasgow house . Just as well I did because my pal was staying there for the night en route to Malta and when I went to put my key in the door, hey presto the door wasnt latched!! Anyone could have gone in, needless to say I told my pal to make sure she slammed the dam door the next time ! You know later on in reflection I though hmmm, did my dearly departed mother guide me to the house for that reason? Strange indeed

Anyhows got home to base about 1am, had a Glayva then read for a bit and had restless sleepless night dreaming of marching arnts!! What the heck is that about? I could see the little buggers marching in a huge army into the Glas house with me trying to exterminate them with bleach etc.

This actually happened to my pal who lives down the road last summer, I was in her garden and was watching all these wee bloody ants scurrying all over so I said lets kill them. First I tried salt so they wouldnt go up her steps, that didnt work, then tried bleach, that just sent them demeted, then tried torching the buggers, that worked and finally chased them with hot water. So maybe last nights dream was the revenge of the ants! Incidentally they are back at my pals this year again!
Hate bugs
Have a good blip day all

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