Hospitality my ****

After slaving away for hours I decided to take a run out to the award winning Kilmartin museum for lunch as their food is quality. Got in the car, went in and said can I have baked potato etc etc. Looking at her watch like a cross between the Mad Hatter and someone that should have gone to Specsavers! she uttered the cursed words" sorry we dont serve food after 3!!! a glance at my own watch showed it was 3.10 for Gods sake , lunch leftovers would have been barley cold!
Why do we use the word hospitality when refering to the catering/cafe trade? its anything but hospitable, in fact the first part of the word "hospital" is here you are likley to land for having the temerity to ask for food during the Twilight zone!

Got rid of my big old car, was a little sad to see it go as it was so comfy but onwards and upwards, I now only have one more motor to get rid off once I have sorted the plates out.

Tok doggies out for a walk and saw this sky on the way back so stopped and grabbed the shot and backhome

Have a good evening all

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