This day

By snapper

Duvet day

Tosday #2 daughter was not feeling well so she ended up having a duvet day only to have it hijacked by two of our three doggies. My pal from the island came and went today, she is now driving down to Glasgow to stay in our other house before she and her daughter fly off to Malta. It was nice to have them and their daft dog Lily for a night , I miss my friends from the island.

We had a nice stay at home day and #2 daughter and I are trying to so a jigsaw to keep us occupied! Right now #2 duahter is feeling better so is going to take the doggies out. Hubby and I had a nice dinner along with a bottle of nice red so are in good form
Rain has finally stopped and sun is shinning so evening looking good. Have a good blip weekend all

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