Club 107

By club107

Damage limitation

Oh well dear diary of sorts, you know it has been a rough few days/weeks/months, relatively speaking of course, so it is with the utmost delight that an end has come to the long stretch of work since the last holidays. To be honest there have been many positives but as the exhaustion subsides my mind is a haze.

One of the major positives I have to say in all honesty, having overcome the initial Windows 7 USB niggles, is doing this. I have come across so many talented photographers, I have learned a great deal and been inspired.

So today was better than yesterday, not difficult, but hopefully tomorrow and the hols will be even better.

I had to go to the barbers to get my haircut, I've been putting it off for weeks because other urgent things always need to be done. We laughed about what needed to be done, but the fellow did an admirable job of damage limitation. I'm not entirely happy with the photo, as often, but well I had a long list of things to do like creating feeble excuses like this, blah blah....

What weird weather, horrible this morning, oppressively warm this evening. Madness trying to prepare everything but we're readyish, even tidied the house a bit for housesitters arrival.

Early doors tomorrow, doubt I'll manage to update this tomorrow evening, so it will wait.

And the tune which has been rattling round my head for days and today seems so appropriate is, this classic.


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