Christian Pedersen

By ChrisP

Surprise Visit

I shot over to Dundee after some very last minute and covert planning with my friend Heather (pictured). My other friend Neil (also pictured) had been bugging me for a week about making the trip, but I assured him there was absolutely no way I could afford it or give up the time. On a very very late Wednesday night Heather and I decided there was no way I could afford NOT to go, so we booked everything the next day (after zero sleep) and kept it a secret until the moment I walked in the door on Friday. I was met by Johny who was just a little surprised to see me, not really knowing how totally unexpected it was, but Neil saw me and lost his shit and then lastly Chris, we could have cried if we let ourselves. We were all so happy there was no way this night wouldn't be incredible. Chris' gig was canceled, so we partied a bit and then went to Fat Sams, a crummy Dundee nightclub. More to come in my next blip...

for those who can't wait there's more here.

Polaroid 664 expired B&W

Dundee, UK

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