Northern Exposure

By Northern

Community project

Across the water from Burray, lies the parish of Holm (pronounced Haam) on the Orkney mainland. The community there are currently carving a totem pole to place at the start of the 1st barrier. They are being helped and guided by 4 carvers from the Squamish nation.

It is open to everyone to join in and we visited it last week when Arrow had a go at carving. (I forgot to take my camera, duh!!). Today Arrow and myself were heading over to pic up Campbell from his rugby training and we popped in for a few minutes to see the progress.

They have done most of the carving on the front and this is the back of the pole. The images are all of things that matter to the community. Lots of fish and birds, animal heads etc. Beautifully done in a flowing style. We didn't have time to stay and do any carving but we'll try and get back to see them put the pole up later in the week. They've still got a lot to do.

As well as the actual pole, the carvers were working on beautiful tribal masks. The quality of carving in them is amazing.

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