Northern Exposure

By Northern


Remember these?

Well this is what happens when you've blanched them, and popped the tasty green insides out. You're left with a whole load of empty skins. I'm mad busy with work at the moment. A few late nights coming up just so that I can kep my head above water. But I had to take 30 minutes out and sort out the last of our bean harvest before it started to moulder. Job done, all tucked up in the freezer to be dipped into when needed.

We think they look like tiny snake eggs when the baby snakes have slithered away. Or if you hold one at the right angle and get the spooky light just so, they are very like the eggs out of Alien.

Now, all I need is one free day at the weekend and I'll manage to do some beetroot pickling... which is far more appealing than all the work I need to do between then and now.

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