Learning curve
It's a steep curve. After a conversation with StewartBremner about self portraits and my cowardice at getting in front of the lens - I decided to take his advice and give it a go.
Here's what I learned:
1. Some people; the camera loves. Others; not so much.
2. I should take more photos of myself playing the clarinet. My technique is rubbish.
3. Ditto posture. What would my physio say?
4. That shirt does me no favours. There's a reason I wear black.
5. I close my eyes when I play. May explain a lot about my difficulty in following music.
I also learned some things about my larder today when I was sorting it out in preparation for the move:
1. Five packets of dried cranberries? Really? All out of date. Two by enough years that I must have brought them from our last house. And we don't even use them.
2. Why do I half a bag of millet seed? What did I use the other half for? Does Mr B have a secret budgie hidden away somewhere?
3. Tinned chickpeas don't go off. (Or if they do, I'm in for a troubled night.)
Found a lovely fascinator this morning (I know that problem has been weighing on your minds). Thank you for all the lovely advice, especially as regards involving my passion for fudge, but in the end I went for the mail order option because the lovely lady sent me photos to my phone so I could choose and mailed it next day delivery. A pleasant change to yesterday's customer service.
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