Checking the details
Thanks for your concern yesterday about Conor. He had a very odd night. He slept ok, but I was so paranoid about having given him the wrong medicine that I kept checking him every 10 minutes. His fever made him enormously sweaty - I ended up changing his clothes and bed clothes and turning the mattress a couple of times. So, not a restful night for me, but he was much brighter this morning somehow.
The return trip to the pharmacy was a lesson in poor customer relations. The pharmacist took the wrong pills away without a word and returned with the right ones. "There you are." She said. Like this was just a perfectly normal thing to happen. It took a short, to the point, description of the night I had had, and the importance of starting acute asthma treatment promptly to elicit a grudging apology along with a very patronising (she was smiling as though I was stupid the whole way through) explanation of why crushing up tablets that aren't supposed to be crushed up isn't actually a problem at all with the kind of high dose he was getting.
Happily my pointing out, in a slightly louder voice in the by now very busy pharmacy, that if she hadn't given me the wrong medicine the whole problem wouldn't have arisen, encouraged her to be a little more conciliatory.
So, this correct medicine was accepted by Conor (smart boy that one) and he is hopefully now on the road to recovery. A quiet day at home with no running about seems to have helped.
The beautiful weather over the past few days seems to have brought out lots of the flowers in the garden. Here's a delphinium. I'd never looked at the inside of the flowers carefully, but the macro lens gives you a whole new viewpoint. This could have been closer, but it was too breezy to get a closer shot in focus. I'll miss these flowers when we move. They were planted by a friend four or five years ago as leftovers from his greenhouse. We didn't think they'd grow well as it's so shady there, but they have kept coming back year after year. This year they are taller than me. Which is slightly intimidating in a flower.
EDIT: Anyone in Edinburgh/around know a good hat shop that might have a good range of fascinators? Suddenly getting panicky about a wedding outfit for Saturday - how did I not realise Saturday was so close?
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