Heavy burden
A busy day after yesterday's lassitude.
We headed over to Toulouse for a jolly day in DIY, heating and bathroom shops. The usual work-out for my ropey French, and much information gathered about heating options (expensive), bathrooms (ok) and doors (surprisingly cheap). After six solid hours of shopping we came home with... a kitchen tap. But it's a start. Mr B's favourite part of the day was figuring out that the French for 'bunion' is 'oignon' (onion). We're easily pleased. I should add that this was figured out in a pharmacy, not in the DIY store. We were in the pharmacy to buy a remedy someone recommended for Katherine's recalcitrant verruca. I suspect it is homeopathic. I'm scared to look and see if it is: if it works I will have to swallow a lot of humble pie. And yet, I still do hope it works. I make my humble pie with chocolate - easier to force down that way.
As well as the exciting kitchen tap, Mr B also treated me to a super long garden hose which, despite being a wider gauge than the other hose, and despite the top garden being - as its name suggests - uphill from the tap, all is working well and watering everything took a mere 20 minutes tonight (including 5 minutes getting soaked figuring out how to detach the hoses without getting soaked). Am very excited about my beans. Need to get out more.
The picture is one of our favourite purchases from Troc - a chain of second-hand stores. Here Atlas is holding up the world, otherwise known as our drinks' table.
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