
By cracker

Mist in the valley!

Kaz took Spence to daycare this morning and then went to work in the city. Since there was no-one home I took the opportunity to go looking for a blip before I went home! I drove through town and kept going towards Noojee. The road goes through rolling green hills with farms, cows and sheep dotting the paddocks. There is a place to pull over on the side of the road where a steep descent begins and this was the view!

It was 9.30am and the fog was still laying in the valley. The view as I came around the corner was fantastic, when I pulled over and got out of the car, it blew me away even more. It was absolutely still, no wind, no other cars were coming past, all I could hear were birds calling to each other. The sound of the birds was like I was standing in the middle of a rain forest! Because it was so still, their bird calls were floating up through the trees and mist to where I was standing! It was awesome!

I spent the rest of the day going to about five car yards looking for information and prices on medium 4WD cars! We want to upgrade our X-Trail so wanted to see what our options are.

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