
By cracker


Spence and I (well mostly me!) chopped out a rose bush from near our back door in the lawn this morning. It was really annoying because you couldn't mow it with the ride-on and I don't get the hand mower out every time. And it's prickly! Neither Kaz nor I are 'green thumbs'! We just want small low maintenance plants and trees in our garden so we don't have to keep cutting them back all the time! Our aim is to pull most of the garden out and replant it.

Spence and I did the food shopping for the week then it was lunch time then Spence had his sleep! I went over and finished mowing Joe and Bev's lawn because Robyn had forgotten to put their battery on her charger overnight so their mower still wasn't working!

I'm at work now for my first of two night shifts. I am on the water tanker this week, not the pumper so it should be pretty quiet.

This shot is of a leaf on a tree in our back yard. It is the same tree as
this but it wasn't raining today!

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