Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

In the very likely event that for the third day running I'll get to nearly midnight and realise the time and the lack of photography, I figured it best to force myself to blip early today.

Glancing around my room I realised that the awful weather of late had died down and left a lovely blue sky with just the odd hint of clouds and the weather from earlier. So I squeezed between the bed and table, attempted to open the window wide enough to get a photo (whilst unable to move backwards to allow for said opening) yet not so wide it caught on the netting or the fairy lights. Poked the camera through the gap and clicked. The sun was in a bad position but it ensures I have a photo for today.

Fingers crossed it's as nice as this late Saturday night through to mid morning on Sunday. Yes it's all in the name of charity but I could do without the rain.

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