Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Nick Nack Paddywack...

... Give a dog baby a bone...

I put a gravy bone down for Tyson this morning and Lyra stole it. I think they are probably tastier than Bickiepegs.

I recently learnt that when I was teething my parents used to give me Bonios to gnaw on so maybe a desire for dog treats is in Lyra's blood...

I have a feeling these two will be thick as thieves and getting into all sorts of mischief together before too long.


Tyson is a rescued Jack Russell Chihuahua cross for anyone intrigued by his strange looks. I'd like to point out that we DIDN'T name him. It is very embarrassing calling him in the park as he's a lot smaller and soppier than he appears here.

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