Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

.....And Collapse....

Lyra must think she is in training for the baby section of London 2012 as she crawled across the room about five times this morning. A big empty room decked out in underlay was the ideal crawling ground it would seem. In this photo you can see Lyra collapsing at the end of her final effort. She is now sound asleep after all that training fun.

She's thoroughly cracked crawling now. Although when tired she does revert to commando style as can be seen part way through this little video.

There will be carpet soon, specifically being purchased to cushion Lyra's falls. Thankfully this photo is taken from such an angle as to hide the slight purpling on one eyelid after a fall yesterday, and this morning's bumped left cheek seems to have gone down very quickly. The carpet can't come quick enough for Lyra's increasing clumsiness mobility.

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