Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Seven Month Review

Lyra has really excelled herself this month.

Motor Skills:
Sitting: Lyra is now far more confident at sitting, though this is still not a strong point as Lyra is unwilling to remain still for any period of time.

Crawling:Lyra has gone from wobbly first attempts to being rather proficient and is improving every day.

Standing Lyra has always enjoyed standing up and been able to bear her weight from a young age. This month she learnt to bear her weight unaided for long periods of time and just yesterday she showed me that she is able to pull herself to standing ( click the link for new and exclusive-ish video footage, including crazy voice over from Lyra's loon of a mother).

Coasting: As soon as she hauled herself up, Lyra started trying to coast, she can manage a step or two before falling down.
**This skill needs to be worked on before next month's review.**

Eating and Drinking:
Lyra has become increasingly keen on her food and often eats three meals a day. She has progressed from having just sticks of food to often sharing in our meals.

Range:Lyra's ability to manage a wide range of different food types has impressed us. This month she has mastered gripping slippery foods such as ripe avocado and banana; slurping up long foods such as noodles; eating smaller foods such as prawns and olives. Lyra has turned down very few foods. The exception being baby foods. The two big value packs of rusks we purchased for her have had to be rehomed as have the jars of baby puree we were kindly gifted. Lyra would not entertain the idea of either.

Volume: Lyra eats roughly double her own bodyweight in food at each mealtime. It is rather shocking. At times it seems there is no end to her ability to tuck food away in her tiny belly. She often has a visibly pot belly at the end of a meal.

Drinking: In order to achieve the 'soft clay like' consistency of poop that the all knowing health visitor has recommended, we're now attempting to up Lyra's consumption of liquid with meals. This is going quite well though we all often end up quite wet as Lyra will only drink from an open cup. She can currently only do this with help.
**This skill needs to be worked on before next month's review.**

This has been an exceptionally successful month of Lyra. Management are so impressed that she is being awarded a bonus of a learn and groove table which we hope will see her fluent in French, as well as English by the time of her 12 month review.

Lyra has been named 'Baby of the Month' in the Hesmondhalgh Household.

Pooky hesmondhalgh, Line Manager

Today's picture shows a just woken up Lyra demonstrating her new skill of pulling herself to standing. She is very proud of herself.

Six Month Review
Five Month Review

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