All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Happy as a pig ... in straw!

We started today with Ethans weekly swimming class. Out of all the classes I take him to I think this is the one which I'll try to keep going even when I go back to work. He really enjoys it and I think it's so important for him to be confident in the water. We had to dunk the babies under the water quite a lot today and although Ethan had this comical look of surprise on his face each time he resurfaced, he took it rather well!

At lunchtime we met up with my sister-in-law & her 11 month old daughter Millie. at Muiravonside Country Park. As it was teaming with rain, we sheltered in the cafe with a hot chocolate each before braving it back outside for a wander round their farm. I think it would be a good place for another visit but on a dry day next time! Even the farm pigs opted to stay indoors in the dry rather than roll around in the mud outside their pen!

Have also backblipped -

Drip Drip Drop

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