All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Oh so serious Ethan!

Another busy day for Ethan & I.

Baby Massage in the morning. He seemed to enjoy it but got fractious near the end, as did the other 3 babies. We then had to go straight to Baby Sensory and he fell asleep in the car on the way there. He was still sleeping at the beginning of the class but I woke him up as they started a puppet show and although I was worried he would be grumpy, he clearly loved the rest of the class!

After that I went with 3 of the other mums and their babies for lunch at a local pub. Although it's the closest one to my house, I've never been there before. Having now discovered they're quite baby friendly and love their comfy leather sofas, I may well be back soon!

We then popped in to the breastfeeding group that I used to go to so I could return a sling I'd borrowed from them months ago. Then off to The Centre for a wander and bumped into 2 different friends. Ethan was happy and had cuddles with the first but was having a complete meltdown when I bumped into the second so it was a 5 minute chat before I left to try to calm him down! As we'd had such a busy day and he had only managed little catnaps, I'll put it down to tiredness. Poor mite. He went to bed at 8pm tonight which is a bit earlier than usual, so fingers crossed this doesn't mean he wakes up at silly o'clock!

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