All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Drip drip drop

I've become quite a social butterfly since I had Ethan and tend to have things planned for most days. Today was unusual as I had nothing arranged.

Although "light showers" were forecast, I took a gamble and walked down to The Centre. Of course, by the time I came out it was throwing it down - Ethan was snug as a bug in the pushchair under his raincover but I looked like a drowned rat by the time we got home. What surprised me though is not only did Ethan sleep for the 2 hours we were out but he continued to sleep for a further 3 hours! He NEVER sleeps for long during the day, never mind 5 consecutive hours! I had to keep going to check him to make sure he was ok as it was so unlike him!

At least I got loads done though, including writing the invites to his naming day which I booked a few days ago. Still need to decide exactly what I want to do on the day but I'm really looking forward to it.

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