Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Mel Enze Swim Meet Day 2

Today was Day 2 of the Mel Enze Swim Meet at Tokay High School. Jack and I took the big girls to the meet and Doug stayed home with Josie and Grant. Both girls swam well. I ended up timing for 2 hours and didn't end up taking many good pictures so my blip today was of some of the girls cheering for a fellow swimmer during one of their races.

We finished up the meet around 2 and then went to the Velvet Grill in Lodi for a delicious lunch of sandwiches although Jack opted for breakfast for lunch in his pancakes drowned in syrup selection.

After arriving home we took Jack over to the community pool for some water play of his own. Emily and Gracie had intended to just sit by the wading pool and watch Jack for a bit but ended up playing around in the big pool a couple of hours sans goggles (as if they didn't get enough water action earlier in the day.) Doug brought Josie and Grant over to the pool awhile later when they returned from the hardware store. The kids all had a ball playing in the pool--there were lots of people there soaking up the sun and cooling off.

After dropping off a phone/camera card to Vida as she's leaving for Iran in the morning, we came home for a late dinner of Turkey Burgers and tator tots. Then it was quick baths and bedtime. Only a few hours before Emily leaves for Mexico.

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