
By LadyFindhorn

Making Space

An early morning workout in the gym produced enough endorphins for me to feel strong enough to clear out the cupboard, glory hole behind the front door of the castle.
This is home to boxes of Christmas decorations, all kinds of cycling paraphenalia like inner tubes, spanners,spare tyres ( bike ones), and cycling gloves, bags, camping chairs, tarpaulins and a selection of spiders' webs in including the resident spider thrown in.
All cleared out to the local charity shop and the Bike Station, both of whom thought Christmas had come early this year. The shelves washed and the floor vacuumed. Sorted.

The spider made good his escape and I let him go lest he suffered a nasty suffocating death in the dust bag of the vacuum cleaner.

Needless to say when Christmas does come to the Dower House this year, we will be rueing the day we were so gung ho with getting rid of everything. But that will be a worry for another day.

So now we have 2 cleared cupboards which just another 2 big cupboards and 2 garden sheds to go.
Already I'm feeling the burden of possessions lifting. I'll be floating on air by the end of the clearance.

This afternoon I'm off for a catch up chat with a friend before tackling the DVLA by phone..... that won't be a barrowload of fun, I can tell.

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