
By LadyFindhorn


S is for Sanguine, which is how I felt as I bounded over the meadows for a meeting with the technical guru in the Dower House.

U is for Underestimating the amount of information we were expected to absorb.

G is for Glakit which is how we must have appeared.

A is for Abject stupidity.

R is for Retentive, an adjective not knowingly descriptive of our memories on technical detail.

Such was our morning in the Dower House, a testament to the very latest technology.
It would seem that there are miles of wiring behind those white walls allowing us access to all things wonderful.

We can have cinematic sound throughout, music from a central ipod playable in every room, built in radio which can have 2 different channels playing simultaneously in different locations, and other features which have already been forgotten, and all at the touch of a magic pad on the wall.

How amazing and how mind blowing for 2 retirees who started school with counting frames for sums and slates for writing on. (Quill pens and inkwells at the age of 7).

All we want, what we really really want is a functioning TV which allows us to watch the news, the odd documentary and Corrie. ..... and a CD and DVD player. Oh and internet access which of course comes wired into every room except, I imagine, the bathrooms.

We're simple people at heart..... and probably in mind as well.

It will be a relief to go to the Blipmeet tonight; but there again I'll be lost in the technical details of photography banded about by the younger generation.
It was pinhole cameras in my youth.

PS I got through to the DVLA last night on the 20th attempt. Because they say they sent me a new licence last August by 2nd class post which I didn't receive, I have to pay £20.00 for a replacment. I suggested in future they send them out by registered post.
It fell on deaf ears. A' sorry' doesn't make me feel better.

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