Lazy day 2

We took a ride down to Marbury Park this afternoon.
It was a decision to drive there to avoid the chavs which would like have congregated at our other destination of choice. At least at Marbury, it is that big that you are less likely to bump into the bare-torsoed, beer bellied. lager swilling masses that seem to appear whenever the sun comes out to play here.

We mostly achieved our objective, had a nice walk around under the shade of the trees, watched the ducks, and the boats, and then had an ice-cream and wandered back home.

Whilst there, Corin bumped into two people who he hasn't seen for a while. Was nice for me to put a face to a name with one of them, the other one I know. Nice news from them. Happy afternoon.

James was very calm and settled when Peter and Hazel's Husky/Rottweiler cross dog was around. In fact James has been fantastic with all the dogs he has seen today - not at all jumpy or worried, in fact, when they have come over to him to say hello and have a sniff, he has actually tried to make a little bit of a fuss of them. Progress indeed.

Am off to take antihistamene. If I take one now, I'll sleep like a log and wake up with an unblocked nose. If I wait till the morning I will be asleep at my desk by 10am. Not good when it is a busy day tomorrow.

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