
I've been after one of these little lovelies for a while - the Alium in the front garden really attracts them, but every time I run off to get my camera, they disappear by the time I return. Not today - the Alium are fully flowering and they are clearly full of the lovely stuff that the worker bees love.

The Bee Series

Been to Liverpool on the train to see Spongebob - the Musical. It was great fun, although other people's children often leave a lot to be desired, particularly when james sat still all the way through, whilst mine and his chairs got repeatedly kicked and knocked by the kids (and grandparents) behind us who didn't stop fidgeting or whining the whole way through.

Am so utterly exhausted still, even after a decent night's sleep, and my back is killing me (I had a slip at school yesterday - some water on the corridor - from some of the kids thinking it was funny and clever to squirt water at each other from their drinking bottles....muggins here did one of those funny slips where you jar your back, but don't fall flat on your arse....but it bloody hurts now). TENS machine was on for a couple of hours this morning - I'm going to put it back on now for a while.

Another cup of tea and then snuggle time on the sofa with Jimbo.


A year ago - broken finger from playing rugby. A year on - it still aches horribly in the cold and rain. Sport is bad for you.

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