Laughter is the best medicine

Well, in my case, laughter, the gym, whiskey, lots of lovely Todmorden cheese and an hour taking silly photos with my husband.

A fellow blipper summed up yesterday when describing her hubby exactly how I feel about this man - he's not the man of my dreams, because in my wildest dreams, I couldn't have dreamt up someone so special.

I am very lucky - because that laughter that the camera caught is what he causes, for all the right reasons, on a daily basis. Combined with my wonderful boy, who got the photo limelight yesterday, I am flanked on either side by two wonderful individuals who do everything in their power to keep me happy.

Nothing else matters really.

The rest are here - silly faces and mischief in abundance!

I promise that tomorrow I will try not to blip any of the three of us - any volunteers to be papped at work tomorrow?????

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