
...After an extremely lazy morning, the little of it that we saw, I made apple pancakes for brunch and we finally got ourselves motivated for an afternoon walk through another of Warsaw's parks. Everything is looking so lush and green right now, and it smells of Summer. The sky wasn't as blue as yesterday and the sun was keeping a fairly low profile, but it was nice enough. The peacocks at Lasienki Park were strutting their stuff and making a right old noise with their squawks. One started to splay his feathers in an attempt to attract one of the peahens but she was having none of it and looked very unimpressed with it all. Funny to watch.

And then we were off to the pub. There was the small matter of the Chelsea v Wigan game that Ms Liza was very keen to see and so I took her to the Irish pub where I watched a couple of rugby games earlier in the year. I'm not a big football fan, but was excited to see the goals roll in and Liza, along with a mob of Polish Chelski fans, were rather excited to see them lift the cup at the end.

A couple more pit-stops on the way home - choosing al-fresco dining until about 10ish, when we finally made it home.

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