Donita's Daily Dose

By pondosakate

Grafitti along the Petaluma River

My friend Maggie invited me to join her and some mutual friends on a 3-hour guided boat tour on the Petaluma River today. It was great to see old friends and meet some new ones.

The commentary from the guides was mostly about the history of boat traffic on the river, the existing commercial uses of the river, and the communities along it. The river runs through one of the few remaining salt marshes in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the late fall and winter, the tour commentary would have focused more on the wildlife that depends on the river and it's marshes, but most of the birds have migrated north at this time of year. There were relatively few today.

After the tour a number of us enjoyed a fantastic lunch at Dempsey's. We parted back at my car in San Rafael. I drove back home, collapsed on the bed, and caught up on some much needed sleep. (Too many late nights and early mornings in the last few days.)

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