Big skies and wide horizons
The sky was absolutely amazing today..well, the clouds were more specifically. Incredible - changing every time you looked, with lots of those fantastic huge billowing pure white stacked ones. I know there's a scientific name for them, I just can't quite bring it to mind right now!
I'm still on Knoydart-time, following my trip there last weekend, when the open space was so huge, so I've spent a lot of my time in cities this week looking up. This amazing sky over Glasgow was taken first thing this morning.
It was the morning-after-the-night-before - our huge Awards ceremony to celebrate Scotland's fantastic young people was held last night (see yesterday's backblip). A moving and inspiring event, with so many young people making their way, making meaning and making a difference. So here's to them, may each and every young person in Scotland have big skies and wide horizons...and remember to look up.
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