All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

11lb 4oz!

Busy, busy day today.

Ethan & I went to Baby Sensory in the morning. He was wide awake and alert the whole way through for the first time. When we started going, we paid in advance for 10 sessions. I found out today via one of the other girls that the woman who runs it is still counting the week which she cancelled due to the snow as one of the 10, which seems very unfair to me. I'll need to dispute that with her if she tries to tell us we're at week 10 when we're actually at week 9.

We then walked back to our estate with another girl who lives in a nearby street and went for a cuppa at her house.

When we got home I discovered Ethan had done yet another exploding nappy. I say this every time but this really was the worst yet and we've had a few recently! It was so bad, he needed a bath as well as a full outfit change!

Then in the afternoon we went along to the breastfeeding group. It's probably the last week we'll go. They have been brilliantly supportive and I think I would have given up with the breastfeeding ages ago if it hadn't been for them. It's still not perfect and he still gets a bottle of forumla as his last feed several evenings a week when I'm struggling. However overall we're not doing too badly these days. I will miss the group though as I enjoy going, but it's time to move on.

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