All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Little fluffy clouds

We usually get lots of planes flying over our house and it has been so strange not seeing any over the past week. The Scottish airports were supposed to be re-opening today but I've still not seen a single plane all day.

Ethan and I had a nice time at Bounce & Tickle this morning, even if an exploding nappy meant I had to do a full outfit change for him half way through. We then had a cuppa in the cafe with some of the other girls there before heading home to feed Obi.

I haven't mentioned Obi for a few days but he's coming along leaps and bounds. Although he still can't eat by himself, he's so much more lively and sociable and he is making attemps to wash himself now. He curls up on my lap whenever he can and kept following me round the house this morning. His sister, Leia, no longer hisses at him (although Cleo and Zoe still do) but she's still very wary of him.

In the afternoon Ethan and I went into Foreveryoungs work. She looked after him in the creche for a few hours while I had a swim (does 3 lengths count as a swim?) and chilled out in the steam room and jacuzzi. I also had a natter with one of her colleagues who is also on maternity leave and had popped in with her 2 boys and hope to catch up with her properly before she goes back to work.

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