All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Move outta my waayy!

You know how some days you get a song stuck in your head all day? Well I knew as soon as I saw this taxi that I'd be singing Kylie to myself all afternoon! Nothing wrong with that mind - I am partial to a bit of "Disco Kylie" (have even seen her in concert a few times and she's fab)!

A very hectic day at work today and I'm really glad it's over. Hubbie has gone over to Stirling after work to borrow his brothers laptop so we can take it away with us next week (can't live without the internet even when we're away, so of course that also means I can carry on blipping - yay)! I'm going to make the most of him being later home without him shouting up "aren't you finished on blip YET"!

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