Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Lifestyles of the rich and the famous...

This morning we got the Island Shuttle over to Edgartown. Its very beautiful indeed, all big white New England houses and little expensive boutique shops. This is definitely where the money is! Unfortunately we didn't spot any Clintons or Kennedys on our wanders, they were probably in the even bigger and more exclusive houses well away from the likes of us ;o)

It was all lovely and sunny so we had a nice walk along the beach by the lighthouse and then headed back into the centre of town to get an ice cream. But of course nothing at all was open! Not only does tourist season not start here until May 1st but today is also Patriots Day so, alas, there was no chance!

When we got back to Vineyard Haven one of the few places that was open was Carly Simon's shop "Midnight Farm". So not all the famous folk gather in Edgartown then. I was banned going in though for fear that I might inadvertently start humming 'You're so vain'.
I wouldn't have!
Well....not intentionally.....

I was distracted by more peanut butter m+m's and a bottle of coca cola at the Stop and Shop next door, so it was all good.

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