This day

By snapper

Please pres 1, 2, 3 Boom!

Remember I told you about the DVLA and their messing me about over a VIC form and a VOSA (sounds like a 60's shampoo!) forms! well they are back to haunt me
Today they returned all my mail and explanation that the car in question had already been examined. Well NO! not according to them! On the back of the vin or whatever form was a list of 50 places through the length and breadth of Britain that would check my offending vehicle. Good I thought I will phone the Glasgow one as its the nearest! Tap tap in went the phone number.... number unobtainable, ok I will try Inverness, tap tap... unobtainable, fine Edinburg, tap tap...unobtainable, at a whim I picked on the lovely sounding Leighton Buzzard, nada nothing!! In desparation I finally phoned a number that was on the bottom of the dam form. Bingo, "welcome you are through to the disembodied voice at the other end which will be of no use to you but as we cherish your loyalty!!! if you chose an option from the following 75 you can maybe if your stupid enough and hang on, will get a human voice"
After an eternity which put my blood pressure in Himalayan heights, I finally got some stroppy wuman
"Yes can help you?" "well I have been phoneing all the 50 phone numbers of the listed test centres on the back of your form and the numbers are unobtainable"
"oh yes, these numbers were wiped some time ago" what!!!!!
"well i say through gritted wallies, do I still need to do the test as this vehichle was inpected for such a reason in 2007" "not according to our records says mizz stroppy" "you still need to get it done" "how ? " i say "by phoning the test centres on the back of the form!!!! " but you just said you wiped their number ages ago so how do I get an appointment" "from me" she says. god give me strentgh! "fine then book me in" "Can't do that" "what" "you need to fill in form Vic 5" By this time I am about to either go out and commit murder or I am about to have a heart attack!
So I duly filled in the bloody form, then went to the post office and said to the Ayatollah behind the counter, "can I send this next day delivery?"
"No" she says with a wide smile, "why the Hell not?" "because we cant gurantee next day delivery due to the volcanic ash"
"but its only to Swansea I squeak" "dont matter" Well I still sent in anyhows,

I truly hate beuracracy!

In the afternoon I had to go to a west coast town to do drama with some ankle snappers! I think I must be well versed in drama by now!!

Have a happy blip eveining bliperoos

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