This day

By snapper

Oddball day

I just knew it the weather was far better than yesterdays! sods law why couldnt it have been like that yesterday and I could have had my balloon trip?

Went to church, no kids (hopefully they are grounded in some far off countires!) Came home, took dogs out.
Decided to hoover the floor and as I am a dead loss with hoovers,sure enough it sooked up a magnetic alphabet letter (B) and it got stuck up the nozzle, freed it after much sweating and swearing, then went to put a wash in the machine and had to open a new humungous soap powder box, after struggling and wrestleing with it using a knife and almost skewering myself in the process, I then noticed it said pull tab! sometimes I wonder about my intelegence (or lack of)
Then went to move a bag of Guinea pig food which was perched on top of something and was there no a hole on it!!! A gazillion guinea pig nuggets spread like the volcanic ash all over my kitchen floor. There was only one answer....get the dam hoover out once more and sook it all up then empty it into their food box. Having completed the sooking I was at the point where I was emptying the contents of the hoover bag into their food box when the neighbour walked in. I could see that she was dying to ask me why I was feeding the GPigs with the contents of my hoover bag, but I said nothing!!!

Went then with #2 daughter to Strachur to listen to a group called Bellview Rencevouz and a guy called Bruce Molsky. The group were good but the Molsky guy was even better. He played Appalachian fiddle music, the guitar and the banjo, don't you just hate these talented folks, anyhows it was great

Let #2 daughter drive home (she is still learning) and now that my heart - rate has subsided I am going to have a dram
Have a good remeaining Sunday all blipster

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