Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Stolen Bouquet

Today was not super, but I'm satisfied with this Saturday.

Now that Easter is over, I am reminded that the next time I walk into the Hallmark Store the May holiday will be in my face, so I am thinking about a month from now. In America the second Sunday in May is Mother's Day.

I've been looking at a magazine from May 2009 to gain ideas that will hopefully help me plow my thoughts and inspire me to write about my mom, who has been gone for a long time now. "What's the greatest gift your mother ever gave you?" is one thought starter. "Ten questions to ask your mother" is another. Since mom's death, I bet I've thought of ten times that many questions.

So I'm plowing the soil and sifting my thoughts. I'd like to write something that my daughter and granddaughters might value and treasure. Something that might give them more insight into who they are and where they've come from.

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Didn't do much of anything today that is worth writing home about (actually, I guess I am home). I paid bills (still need to file the statements). Here in California property taxes were due today so I tried to pay ours by phone and even online, but I couldn't get either to work, so I was left with putting a check and the invoice in an envelope with a stamp. Exciting stuff, huh!

At the end of the afternoon, the envelope needed today's postmark, so I made a quick trip to the Post Office and Mr. Fun went with me. Then he and I stopped at the local Juice-It-Up and then we walked to the grocery store so I could buy some lunch meat to make a sandwich to take with me tomorrow for my long day in Pasadena at the workshop.

While in the grocery store I stole photos of everything and I do mean everything, but my favorite was the yellow beauty on lavender netting. So whoever buys that baby will never know that her bouquet took a trip around the world by way of Blipfoto. But what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?

I'm hoping tomorrow's workshop will bring me energy and inspiration. I'll be spending the day in the Pasadena Convention Center, Ballroom A. We'll be dancing with computers from 9:00-4:00. Learning ways to better instruct our students through the use of technology . . . details right here late tomorrow.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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