Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Good Friday

In my younger days I truly did not understand why the Friday before Easter Sunday was titled "Good." The tragedy and horror of Christ's death seemed so evil.

This afternoon we stopped by the church to see if everything was ready for this evening's "Good Friday" ceremony, and for the first time I saw the bulletin cover that Blake, one of the young guys in our praise team, had designed. Blake's artwork describes Christ's gift without the use of words. I like it very much . . . poignant and beautiful.

In my mid-twenties I started to understand that Christ had paid a debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay. So when we finally give-up and admit that "good enough" is never good enough, then His gift to each of us makes sense. Jesus didn't come to earth to make us robots, to take our minds away, not even to make us good -- He came to take our sin away. He came to make sure we were forgiven. I am glad that I eventually realized that.

Now I understand the "good" of "Good Friday," and I am so thankful. I hope you have a great Easter weekend.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), Carol

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